Logistics Strategy for the Internationalization of the Catalan Economy

Client: Cimalsa

Partners: Deloite

The Generalitat de Catalunya, through the company Cimalsa, has commissioned the temporary union of companies constituted by Deloitte and Mcrit the technical consulting service for the elaboration of the logistics strategy as a tool for the internationalization of the economy of Catalonia.

The development of a logistic framework program until 2040 is included in the Cimalsa 2019-2025 strategic plan, which expressly states the need to prepare “a document that includes the Logistics Strategy of Catalonia that integrates the strategic planning of the different public and private actors, to create a model that allows the necessary consolidation of the Catalan logistics system.


Training Course on the Analysis of Projects of Public Interest: Technical, Economical, Financial and Legal Aspects

Partners: Col·legi de l’Advocacia, Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya i Col·legi d’Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports

From the conviction that the increasing complexity of investment and / or regulation projects require the integration of technical, economic and legal knowledge and with the aim of offering a space for discussion to management professionals of public administrations and companies we promote the training course:  Analysis of Projects of Public Interest: Technical, Economic Financial and Legal aspects.

It is the first time that the Law School has convened a training course with the Schools of Economists of Catalonia and Engineers of Roads, Canals and Ports aimed to deepen in the analysis of the social and economic impacts of public-private regulatory and investment projects that affect the management of public services, large infrastructure and urban operations.

More information (in catalan)

Need Assessment & Design of the Sewer System in Belo Jardim, Bezerros, Ceruaru, and Escada (Brazil)

Client: Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento (COMPESA), Inter-American Development Bank

Mcrit is working on the need assessment & design of the sewer system of Belo Jardim, Bezerros, Ceruaru, and Escada, using the methodology of implementation of Condominial Exhaustion Systems.

The following services are provided:

  • Design the best alternative of exhaustion of each lot and block and the most efficient way of connection to the sewage collection network, discussed and agreed with the community;
  • Sensitize the participation of the beneficiaries in the processes of adhesion to the system to implement the system of exhaustion in each lot and block;
  • Adherence of 100% of the households located in the areas covered by the Projects to the Condominial Systems of Sanitary Exhaustion;
  • Orient the population to the proper use of the city’s sewage system, collaborating for its sustainability;
  • Update the Client database and the Compesa map database in the area covered by the Projects.