Entries by Boss

New distribution of mobility to C-32 and C-33 corridors with the release of the toll

Client: Infraestructuras de la Generalitat de Catalunya, SAU (Generalitat de Catalunya)  Partners: WSP SPAIN-APIA S.A.U We carried out an analysis of the impact of the toll release on the mobility in the corridors of the C-32 and C-33 highways, which connect Barcelona with the Maresme and Vallès Oriental respectively. Throughout this project, proposals for improving connectivity […]

Recommendations for Operations Control Centres and Operational Management and Monitoring Systems

Client: World Bank  Partners: Concremat, Eurecat, TMB We developed a knowledge base and obtained lessons and policy alternatives regarding digitalization and innovations applied to the Operations Control Centres (OCCs) and Operational Management and Monitoring Systems (OMMSs). We focused this project on analyzing particularly the barriers that avert the incorporation of a more efficient process of […]

Croatian National Transport Macro-simulation Model

Client: EY Croatia, Ministry of transportation of Croatia Partners: None We updated the National Transport Model of Croatia which was developed in 2016 as part of the Croatian Transport Development Strategy. This model is a really effective tool to reproduce the traffic’s behaviour of the transportation system in a current situation and to predict system […]

Land value capture study and site-level TOD plan for the Santa Catarina and Soledade rail stations

Client: Inter-American Development Bank Partners: Urban Systems, Levisky Arquitetos, Ibergeo We worked in a consultancy that aimed to conduct a study of the land value capture in order to fund our site-level Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) plan for the Santa Catarina and Soledade rail stations in the Northern Administrative Region of Natal.

Preparation of Disaster Risk Management Project for the SJL Urban Cable Car Project in Lima, Peru

Client: World Bank Partners: CPS, Metro Medellín We addressed issues related to the preparation of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) for the cable car, Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) and pedestrian infrastructure projects in the municipalities of San Juan de Lurigancho and La Independencia. The main objectives were to report on international cable car good resilience practices in […]

New Publication: Catalonia a Green Future, New Territoriality: Fertile Cities, Creative Fields

A “twentist” reflection between globalization and sustainability. This publication contains the presentations, conclusions and supplementary material from Catalunya Futur Verd, the second cycle of strategic conferences that the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability organised a few years ago. The first one, GlobalCat, addressed the territorial conditions for the internationalisation of Catalonia and its economy.On this […]

REBALANCE: New Mobility Cultures & Policies

REBALANCE brings together different voices, visionary thinkers from humanistic fields, mobility experts, stakeholders and European policy decision-makers, to create a fruitful knowledge-sharing hub to discuss future mobility policies. As a cultural and political initiative, the REBALANCE overall aim is to conduct an open deliberative forward-looking exercise towards a transformative transport policy strategy in favour of a paradigm […]

Online GIS on the Accessibility to Public Transport in the Province of Barcelona

Client: Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) This web viewer evaluates the accessibility of public transport within the scope of the integrated fare system of the demarcation of Barcelona, ​​using the calculation made by Mcrit.The online GIS considers access to the public transport system (bus, metro, tram, FGC and Cercanías) as a combination of ways to […]