New Publication: Catalonia a Green Future, New Territoriality: Fertile Cities, Creative Fields

A “twentist” reflection between globalization and sustainability. This publication contains the presentations, conclusions and supplementary material from Catalunya Futur Verd, the second cycle of strategic conferences that the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability organised a few years ago. The first one, GlobalCat, addressed the territorial conditions for the internationalisation of Catalonia and its economy.
On this particular occasion, the reason for the conferences was to try to determine the foundations for the new economic growth of the country, this being understood as indivisible from the sustainable development of the region and the wellbeing of the citizens of Catalonia, regardless of whether they live in an urban or rural setting.
The impoverishment of rural areas of Catalonia by aesthetically inconsequential urban developments of arguable purpose are the result of old-fashioned models of regional development.
The time has come to achieve a new relationship between urban and rural settings, with the realisation that indiscriminate urban development must never encroach upon the rural environment in an attempt to replicate metropolitan patterns that are completely alien to this kind of setting.

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ESPON study ET2050 – Territorial Scenarios and Visions for Europe, 2014

Client: European Commission, ESPON 2013 Programme

Partners: Tersyn, Igeat ULB, RKK – MTA, POLIMI, International Organization for Migration- IOM, S&W, RIKS, Warsaw School of Economics, NORDREGIO, University of Thessaly, ISINNOVA, Fundación Ersilia

ESPON ET2050 aims at supporting policy makers in formulating a long-term integrated and coherent vision for the (smart, sustainable and inclusive) development of the EU territory and their Neighbour Regions. This aim is twofold: content-wise, a product, namely a vision for the European Territory, has to be developed; and process-wise, those who will elaborate this product, namely policy makers, have to be supported by sound scientific knowledge.  Through a participatory process open to policy makers, academic experts and social and economic stakeholders, ET2050 develops alternative territorial scenarios for Europe to support a consensus EU Territorial Vision, as well as having future real images, creative and viable. Supporting a common understanding and a perspective of a Europe “ideal” in 2050, to enable policy makers to be better prepared for the future.