Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Vilafranca del Penedès

Clients: Diputación de Barcelona, Ayuntamiento de Vilafranca del Penedès

Partners: None

Our Urban Mobility Plan for Vilafranca del Penedès analysed different transport systems, evaluating people’s and  goods’ mobility. Based on this diagnose, we defined a set of actions that aimed to implant the most sustainable way of commuting (walking, biking and public transport), which benefitted the environment, as well as social cohesion and economic growth. In doing so, we secured a better life quality for the residents. 

We also carried out an environmental evaluation ir order to identify current emissions and project future emissions with the implementation of the Plan.

Study of the demand for mobility in the peri-urban area of Pontevedra

Client: Ayuntamiento de Pontevedra

Partners: Seteiotivas S.Coop.Galega

We analysed the viability and sustainability of the operation of a collective transport service on demand, using low capacity vehicles, which provided service in the peri-urban area of Pontevedra.

In a first phase, the mobility of the Pontevedra’s peri-urban area was identified and characterized, and its evolution was analysed. The study was complemented by a field work that analysed the average daily traffic and the rotation of license plates in parking lots, as well as personal and telephone surveys that determined the origin-destination matrices and the preferences of users of public transport and private vehicles.

The administrative and legal organization options and the regulations for the start-up of the service were reviewed, taking into account both the Galician and Spanish regulations in addition to the European directives required in spending programs that depend on financing from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

ESPON study on Possible European Territorial Futures, 2017

Client: European Commission, ESPON 2020 Programme

Partners: Spatial Foresight GmbH (Leader), Spiekermann & Wegener, ISINNOVA, Basque Center BC3, Centre urban & territorial development, Institu Rozwoju, TU Delft, ÖIR

The ESPON study on ‘Possible European Territorial Futures’ explores different futures for Europe and their territorial impacts. The aim is to generate new insight on possible future developments and develop a territorial foresight approach which supports policy makers in assessing the robustness and ‘future-proof’ of their policies. The study will also result in a practical handbook for the (ESPON) research community and planning practitioners on how to conduct European territorial foresight studies.

Boosting the policy debate of the future Territorial Agenda post-2020, 2019


Partners: Spatial Foresight,European Policy Centre

The purpose of this ESPON Applied Research Activity is to respond to the policy demand and produce, through a substantial pan-European stakeholder dialogue, a Territorial Reference Framework for Europe to inform, catalyse and animate the upcoming policy debate on a Territorial Agenda post-2020. The Territorial Reference Framework shall be articulated through the two primary objectives of this Applied Research Activity, as follows:

  • Produce a long-term territorial development perspective for Europe in order to assist in informing and shaping the territorial dimension of post-2020 EU strategic policies and longer term cohesion goals; and,
  • Provide workable and realistic mid-term policy proposals for the integrated governance of Territorial Agenda post-2020, and strategic investment programmes in Europe’s territories, regions and cities, as a means towards the advancement of the long-term territorial development perspective.

ESPON study ET2050 – Territorial Scenarios and Visions for Europe, 2014

Client: European Commission, ESPON 2013 Programme

Partners: Tersyn, Igeat ULB, RKK – MTA, POLIMI, International Organization for Migration- IOM, S&W, RIKS, Warsaw School of Economics, NORDREGIO, University of Thessaly, ISINNOVA, Fundación Ersilia

ESPON ET2050 aims at supporting policy makers in formulating a long-term integrated and coherent vision for the (smart, sustainable and inclusive) development of the EU territory and their Neighbour Regions. This aim is twofold: content-wise, a product, namely a vision for the European Territory, has to be developed; and process-wise, those who will elaborate this product, namely policy makers, have to be supported by sound scientific knowledge.  Through a participatory process open to policy makers, academic experts and social and economic stakeholders, ET2050 develops alternative territorial scenarios for Europe to support a consensus EU Territorial Vision, as well as having future real images, creative and viable. Supporting a common understanding and a perspective of a Europe “ideal” in 2050, to enable policy makers to be better prepared for the future.

FLAGSHIP – Forward Looking Analysis of Grand Societal Challenges and Innovative Policies, 2015

Client: European Commission, Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)


FLAGSHIP is an FP7 project, funded by the European Commission (DG RESEARCH) under the “Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities” theme, with the aim of developing a “Forward Looking Analysis of Grand Societal Challenges and Innovative Policies”. It aims at driving change, supporting the policy shift from adapting to changes through short-term policy responses, towards anticipating, welcoming and managing changes properly.