Training Course on the Analysis of Projects of Public Interest: Technical, Economical, Financial and Legal Aspects

Partners: Col·legi de l’Advocacia, Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya i Col·legi d’Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports

From the conviction that the increasing complexity of investment and / or regulation projects require the integration of technical, economic and legal knowledge and with the aim of offering a space for discussion to management professionals of public administrations and companies we promote the training course:  Analysis of Projects of Public Interest: Technical, Economic Financial and Legal aspects.

It is the first time that the Law School has convened a training course with the Schools of Economists of Catalonia and Engineers of Roads, Canals and Ports aimed to deepen in the analysis of the social and economic impacts of public-private regulatory and investment projects that affect the management of public services, large infrastructure and urban operations.

More information (in catalan)

Need Assessment & Design of the Sewer System in Belo Jardim, Bezerros, Ceruaru, and Escada (Brazil)

Client: Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento (COMPESA), Inter-American Development Bank

Mcrit is working on the need assessment & design of the sewer system of Belo Jardim, Bezerros, Ceruaru, and Escada, using the methodology of implementation of Condominial Exhaustion Systems.

The following services are provided:

  • Design the best alternative of exhaustion of each lot and block and the most efficient way of connection to the sewage collection network, discussed and agreed with the community;
  • Sensitize the participation of the beneficiaries in the processes of adhesion to the system to implement the system of exhaustion in each lot and block;
  • Adherence of 100% of the households located in the areas covered by the Projects to the Condominial Systems of Sanitary Exhaustion;
  • Orient the population to the proper use of the city’s sewage system, collaborating for its sustainability;
  • Update the Client database and the Compesa map database in the area covered by the Projects.

Data estimations based on the Spatial Multidimensional Database for ESPON FUA tool – Functional Urban Areas and Regions in Europe, 2020


Partners: Autonomous University of Barcelona – UAB (leader), University of Geneva – UNIGE, GISAT, Randbee Consultants

The activity is mainly directed towards developing tools to benchmark and analyse data on the current situation and recent trends in functional urban areas (as defined by the Eurostat and OECD) and other functional regions in Europe (like local labour market areas, etc.) using a set of indicators. As a harmonized EU-OECD functional urban area definition exists and Eurostat is working on methods how to establish comparable labour market areas across the EU, this activity will not focus on research to establish new (improved) functional delineations. Instead it is foreseen as mainly a data gathering, developing and benchmarking exercise.


Gathering and updating data, mapping and analysing quality of life in European regions, metropolitan areas and urban and rural regions, 2021


Partners: ISINNOVA (leader), Metis, University of Eastern Finland, University of Delft (subcontractor)

The objective of this service is to build on key relevant initiatives and work listed in the previous section, mainly by EUROSTAT, the OECD and the UN, and provide evidence, knowledge and recommendations on how quality of life in Europe, its cities and regions can be promoted and achieved in practice and how quality of life aspects can be integrated in territorial development strategies at different geographical levels and in relation to a place-based approach to territorial development.


Analysing how technological transformation is reflected on the territorial level and context conditions that favour technological change, 2021


Partners: The Politecnico di Milano (leader), Technopolis Group, Slavo Radosevic, EUROREG, Centre for European Regional and Local Studies, University of Economics in Bratislava

The objective of this research is to provide a pan-European investigation of the territorial dimensions of current technological transformations and the transitioning of regional economies in Europe. The research will develop an understanding about what the technological transformation means from a territorial perspective and examine how emerging technologies are actively (re)shaping regional economies in different geographical contexts and the territorial and structural changes they are bringing (and likely to bring) about, focusing, in particular, on the transport, manufacturing and energy sectors, where the territorial impacts are likely to be strongest and most pervasive.


Designing the new Cost-Benefit Analysis methodology to assess health and conviviality in cities, 2019

Client: Autoritat de Transport Metropolità (ATM) Barcelona Area

The objective is to adapt the Transportation Investment Evaluation System (SEIT) to urban and metropolitan transport improvement investments. An analysis includes all the elements that contain the investment evaluation methodologies, making a critical analysis and proposing new elements to be considered taking into account the latest work done by the ATM, both of practical cases and new methodologies.

Enhancement and expansion of Geoportal Features Scenarios Room in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2019

Client: São Paulo State Department of Roadways – DER / SP

Partners: Quanta (Consortium leader), Codex

We are currently working on the improvement and expansion of technical analysis environment related to the Geoportal Scenarios Room, according to models and standards already in place and in operation. The Geoportal Scenarios Room was developed at the Directorate of Environmental Impact Assessment of CETESB- Environmental Agency of Sao Paulo State to primarily support technical analysis of the environmental licensing of large enterprises in the State of São Paulo, which is conducted with environmental impact assessment. Solutions need to be based on Google API, with an architecture supported by (SOA – Service-Oriented Architecture), following the rules and standards set by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the International Standards Organization (ISO).

Improving educational activities and ensuring the sustainability of the project services for ATHIKA- an Advanced Health Innovation Knowledge Alliance enhancing IoT and AI, 2021

Client: European Commission, Erasmus+


ATHIKA proposes to create an innovative approach for training and support, aimed at increasing the successful implementation of ICT innovations and initiatives for the healthcare sector of European companies and ventures. ATHIKA will conduct a set of advanced training programs, involving academia, public health entities, SMEs, startups, entrepreneurs and business consultants. ATHIKA will combine the training and competition activities with a set of workshops and symposiums exchanging the project results, knowledge and lessons learnt between the partners, students and other health sector stakeholders all across Europe.

Developing the Strategic Tourism Master Plan for the Canary Islands for the period 2030 – 2040, 2019

Client: Government of the Canary Islands, Ministry of Tourism

Partners: InAtlas (Leader), Laboratorio de Planeamiento y Arquitectura

The Plan should establish a period of long-range prospective analysis in the period 2030 – 2040, and will specify its actions directing them in the short and medium term, with an impact horizon in 2025. Specifically, the Canary Islands Strategic Plan for Tourism should combine participation of the Canarian public administration, agents of the tourism sector, other economic and social sectors, research centres and society as a whole. In brief, the resulting Plan should achieve a better knowledge and a better relationship of society with tourism, the improvement of inter-administrative coordination processes, interrelation of public and private initiatives and, especially, participation in the definition and implementation of the public policies of the Canary Islands.

Leading the design and develpment of the European and Macro-regional Territorial Monitoring Tool, 2020


Partners: Metis, Hypertech

The aim of this ESPON activity is to develop a practical and operational ESPON European and Macro-regional Territorial Monitoring Tool to continuously observe the development trends and patterns taking place in Europe, its macro-regions, regions and cities. The tool should support European, macro-regional, national and regional policy makers and other stakeholders with territorial information, data, maps, graphs, analytical features and short reports. By reading and interpreting the quantitative statistical information in the light of policy objectives and aims, the results of this activity shall help policy makers to monitor development trends and policy performance, identify development opportunities and territorial challenges, as well as better understand the diversity and position (benchmarking) of regions and cities in the heterogeneous European context.