FLAGSHIP – Forward Looking Analysis of Grand Societal cHallenges and Innovative Policies, EU, 2015
Client: European Commission / FP7
Partners: ISINNOVA (Italy), OEAW-VID (Austria), BC3 (Spain), SIGMA (France), CEPS (Belgium), HiiL (The Netherlands), CDS (Bulgaria), ICS-UL (Portugal), KNAW-NIDI (The Netherlands), OME (France), S4S (Luxembourg), SEIT (Estonia), SEURECO (France), SAN (Poland), TNO (The Netherlands)
FLAGSHIP helps to anticipate major challenges that Europe will have to face in the next 20-30 years in the context of the Innovation Union, assessing the impacts of medium to long-term demographic, economic, political and technological trends in Europe in a world context. The global challenges on focus include: An environmental challenge: The need to change the current ways in which essential natural resources are used – due to the non-sustainable human over-exploitation. A societal and economic challenge: The need to anticipate and adapt to societal changes – including political, cultural, demographic and economic transformations in order for the EU to develop into a truly competitive and inclusive knowledge society in the world context. A governance challenge: The need for more effective and transparent governance for the EU and the world – with the creation of more transparent and accountable forms of governance able to anticipate and adapt to the future, but also to spread democracy and transparency on the global level.