Study of the demand for mobility in the peri-urban area of Pontevedra
Client: Ayuntamiento de Pontevedra
Partners: Seteiotivas S.Coop.Galega
We analysed the viability and sustainability of the operation of a collective transport service on demand, using low capacity vehicles, which provided service in the peri-urban area of Pontevedra.
In a first phase, the mobility of the Pontevedra’s peri-urban area was identified and characterized, and its evolution was analysed. The study was complemented by a field work that analysed the average daily traffic and the rotation of license plates in parking lots, as well as personal and telephone surveys that determined the origin-destination matrices and the preferences of users of public transport and private vehicles.
The administrative and legal organization options and the regulations for the start-up of the service were reviewed, taking into account both the Galician and Spanish regulations in addition to the European directives required in spending programs that depend on financing from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).