Need Assessment & Design of the Sewer System in Belo Jardim, Bezerros, Ceruaru, and Escada (Brazil)
Client: Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento (COMPESA), Inter-American Development Bank
Mcrit is working on the need assessment & design of the sewer system of Belo Jardim, Bezerros, Ceruaru, and Escada, using the methodology of implementation of Condominial Exhaustion Systems.
The following services are provided:
- Design the best alternative of exhaustion of each lot and block and the most efficient way of connection to the sewage collection network, discussed and agreed with the community;
- Sensitize the participation of the beneficiaries in the processes of adhesion to the system to implement the system of exhaustion in each lot and block;
- Adherence of 100% of the households located in the areas covered by the Projects to the Condominial Systems of Sanitary Exhaustion;
- Orient the population to the proper use of the city’s sewage system, collaborating for its sustainability;
- Update the Client database and the Compesa map database in the area covered by the Projects.