REFEREE builds on E3ME, a macro-econometric model designed to address national and global economic and economy-environment policy challenges
Client: European Comission
PROJECT COORDINATOR. ISINNOVA is an Italian leading research and consultancy firm in the EU supporting policy makers in the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of energy, transport and environmental policies.
TOOL DEVELOPMENT. MCRIT is a Spanish firm specialized in the development of advanced decision support systems and planning methods, including information, forecasting and policy assessment models.
ENERGY-ECONOMY MODELING. Cambridge Econometrics is a UK consultancy and research firm. It has extensive experience in the quantification of the benefits of energy efficiency and in the application of such techniques to policy assessments.
USER INVOLVEMENT AND AWARENESS RAISING. The Center for the Study of Democracy is a European public policy think tank based in Bulgaria, specialized on energy governance processes and socio-economic theory.
The Jacques Delors Institute is a European think tank based in France that counts on a wide and high-level network of policy representatives and experts throughout Europe.
B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH is a German consulting and knowledge management company that counts on a vast network of firms and organizations in Germany and abroad.
The European Environmental Bureau is an umbrella organisation that brings together 160 civil society organisations from more than 35 European countries.
REFEREE builds on E3ME, a macro-econometric model designed to address national and global economic and economy-environment policy challenges. Newly built technology diffusion models will assess the deployment of technologies in response to policy interventions in four sectors: road transport, housing, power and manufacturing industries (with process heating).
Evaluating energy efficiency impacts has become more urgent for municipalities across Europe. There are a lot of targets to comply with and many actions must be taken in a short decision-making time and aiming for short and medium-term outputs. The REFEREE project has built two tools that were tested in different case studies: the National tool and the Local tool. This article is focused on the second one and how understanding real user needs through the case studies allowed developing a more practical and user-friendly tool, allowing tailoring the human capital and/or timing constraints of municipalities. The tool shows energy and non-energy impacts to estimate all the consequences driven by an energy policy, that are not only related to energy consumption or emissions, but also socioeconomical aspects. During the developing process we conducted SECAP plans for different municipalities giving a practical usability to the tool, adding more value to the REFEREE project.