MCRIT understands the need to apply systematic tools to assess complex phenomena such as urban and regional growth patterns. It is from the application of a sound methodologies that it is possible to get a common reference framework useful to support design and planning deliberative processes. MCRIT develops specialised software for planning support (data management, GIS, scenario-building, forecast, impact assessment) as well as guidelines to apply these tools in planning processes.
Transport model for the Master Plan of Roads and Master Plan of the Bus network of Saudi Arabia
Client: Advanced Logistics Group SA (ALG)
Partners: None
We built…
Recommendations for Operations Control Centres and Operational Management and Monitoring Systems
Client: World Bank
Partners: Concremat, Eurecat, TMB
Croatian National Transport Macro-simulation Model
Client: EY Croatia, Ministry of transportation of Croatia
Traffic Study and Capacity of the link between the F-20 and route 5 in Nogales, Chile, 2018
Client: Esteyco / Ministry of Public Works of Chile
Analysis of local economic development models and factors, Barcelona, 2016
Client: Barcelona Provincial Council
The AtlesDEL provides…
Monitoring system for the Colonial City of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), 2015
Client: Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism, Inter-American…
Creation & Implementation of the Statistical Information System, El Salvador, 2018
Client: CORSATUR, Inter-American Development Bank
Partners: MCRIT…
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of Blumenau, Santa Caterina, Brazil 2017
Client: Blumenau City Council, Inter-American Development Bank
Partners: Concremat,…
SIMCAT – Forecast Model for the Transport System of Catalonia, 2012
Client: Regional Government of Catalonia
SIMCAT (System and…