In a world that is both rapidly urbanising and globalising, it is widely acknowledged that it is crucial to facilitate urban education that is cross-, inter or trans-disciplinary; based on global but also on local knowledge and engaged with live projects or taught through active learning approaches defined as inquiry-based, practice-oriented or laboratorial that facilitate overcoming traditional barriers: the Institutional and discipline-based contexts.
Mcrit’s commitment to innovation in education is expressed through Ersilia Foundation, a think-tank devoted to promote inter / transdisciplinary research and learning.
Mcrit offers Higher Education Institutions the possibility to engage in a semi-professional environment, and develop project prototypes with the support and expertise of individuals that are professionally involved in the field of urban planning. In that manner, we provide a potential jumping platform into future professional opportunities.
Throughout the training programs, participants are in direct and close contact with Mcrit staff and clients, thus building up a potential collaboration that may be continued after the program has been completed.