Urban development plans and projects
MCRIT has been involved in urban redevelopment projects in Barcelona as well as in other cities of the world, from the Colonial City of Santo Domingo in relation to tourism (Inter-American Development Bank, 2016), proposals for infrastructure and mobility services on development projects in China (in Shenzhen, with Guallart Architects, 2018) to the old industrial and logistic center of the port of Barcelona (Barcelona Regional Agency, Port of Barcelona Authority, 2015). In all these projects, MCRIT contributed to the design and assessment of transport infrastructures in relation to urban activities, following the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) approach.
Urban mobility planning & design of public space
We consider mobility as a key service to be integrated on urban planning as well as in the design of public spaces. Mobility is not as an end in itself but a service to fulfill the needs of creative, dynamic as well as liveable cities and towns. In the streets and squares of our cities, the people who live and work must be able to coexist – the children who play, the older people who walk, and the people who pass by to work, study, shop, visit relatives or any other social purpose. The objective of urban mobility plans and projects is not to assure that the greatest possible number of journeys is made in the shortest possible time or cost, but that the necessary displacements are carried out in the best possible and affordable way, internalising social and environmental impacts. Transport services and infrastructure has to be designed carefully considering the ongoing evolution of new information and communication technologies, as well as electrified and more intelligent transport systems.

Climate Comfort Zones Residential (CCZR) Planning

Valencian Urban Agenda

Resilience Plans for Tiana’s Urban Services and Infrastructure

Cardedeu Public Space Master Plan

Development of strategic and sustainable transport and logistics infrastructure plan

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for the City of Zadar

Catalonia Bicycle Strategy 2025

Land value capture study and site-level TOD plan for the Santa Catarina and Soledade rail stations