Big Data Management
Big data management ensures a high level of data quality and accessibility for business intelligence and big data analytics applications. MCRIT is currently involved in a project dealing with increasing the successful implementation of ICT – Internet of Thinks, Big Data and Artificial Intelligent Systems integrated into Decision-Support Systems, for the healthcare sector of European companies and ventures (ATHIKA).
MARYPOSA – Mobile application to evaluate mobility patterns in urban areas, Spain (Valencia, Madrid and Barcelona), 2013
Client: Ministry of Science and Technology
The objective…
Improving educational activities and ensuring the sustainability of the project services for ATHIKA- an Advanced Health Innovation Knowledge Alliance enhancing IoT and AI, 2021
Client: European Commission, Erasmus+
Partners: URL (ES),…
Quantification of the demand and generation of origin-destination matrices, Barcelona, 2018
Client: Kineo Mobility Analytics, Barcelona City Council
Creation matrices of journeys based on mobile telephony data, in the province of Barcelona, 2018
Client: Metropolitan Transport Authority / Eurecat, Barcelona…