Traffic Micro-simulation models
In a “microscope simulation” model (or micro-simulation model), individuals that comprise traffic flows (vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, etc.) are the minimum element of analysis (unlike macroscopic models where they are simulated the flows of vehicles within the minimum work units that are the network sections). Its characteristics (physical and psychological) and its mutual interaction with road elements are modelled with rules, algorithms and behaviour models. A traffic micro-simulation model is dynamic (which evolves over time), discreet (the state of the variables changes instantaneously in times, usually fixed) and stochastic (with random results).
The micro-simulation models allow to simulate the traffic situation to perfection, both the comparison of operating with different types of intersections as the analysis of implementing priority measures for public transport or the impact of a different traffic light plan.
From the simplest crossings, through the typical traffic lights, and to the most specific operational schemes, these models allow to represent and analyse any intersection geometry and any priority scheme and traffic lights.